I keep meaning to bring my “real” camera out with me more, but alas my handy iPhone is my go to camera for most of my family outings. We are still on the hunt for a new home. It has been a bumpy road, but I am trusting God that we will find the right place. Fingers crossed it will be soon lol. Despite the all consuming house hunt, we have been having fun and learning lots. I recently showed the kids some of my old Disney read along records. Nigel is particularly fond of Dumbo 🙂
In other news, I turned 29! I keep forgetting how old I am (early signs of getting older lol) I think that I am going to really enjoy my last year in my twenties and embrace my thirties with open arms.
The weather is warming up here in North Carolina and we have been enjoying being outside more. My father and his wife as well as my aunt, uncle and cousin Jacqueline came to visit a few weeks ago and it was a blast! We got a chance to surf and I took Jacqueline’s senior portraits 🙂 I can’t wait to share them on the blog.
We are planing on going to visit family for the weekend and I am going to make a point to use my actual camera. Hope you enjoyed an update and some of my iPhone photos. You can check out my Instagram and follow me and also have a peek at my photography site for more of my photos.