Jennifer and Alex’s Seaside Wedding at Fort Fisher and the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher was so much fun! I absolutely love how their photos turned out. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to have your wedding reception at an aquarium, look no further, it’s a great choice!
Jennifer has such a fun and friendly personality and her family and friends were so warm and genuine with me as I got to know them during the pre-ceremony times. I knew right away I was in good company. Jennifer and Alex are high school sweethearts and it was clear that their love for each other is one that will last the test of time. They both gifted each other bracelets before the wedding. Alex’s leather cuff had the latitude and longitude of the wedding site engraved on a silver plate. Jennifer’s said “Live 4 U: Love keeps us kind”. How sweet!
There were so many great moments of their day, but here are a few of my favorites:
– Guys in pink shirts, so awesome and a great twist to the classic “white and khaki” beach attire
– After their ceremony by sheer luck there was an ice-cream truck just parking in the lot. The whole wedding party swarmed it and the guy was nice enough to let the bride and the groom hop in for a photo opportunity.
– The Bride and Groom photos almost didn’t happen. The worlds most menacing thunder cloud was right behind them and we almost were rained out. You would never know we were panicking to get our shots, and boy are they romantic photos!
– The aquarium was so much fun to be in!
Here is what the bride had to say: