Our yearly tradition of doing Christmas Mini Sesisons, has certainly been a highlight for us! This is the third year in a row we have done them and our first in the new studio and we had a blast!
Our yearly tradition of doing Christmas Mini Sesisons, has certainly been a highlight for us! This is the third year in a row we have done them and our first in the new studio and we had a blast!
Photographer: Kelly Edwards
What an honor to be a part of a family’s yearly tradition! This is the 3rd year in a row that I have had the pleasure of photographing my friends the Garcias for their yearly Christmas photos. I love love how their photos turned out. I knew going into the shoot that I really wanted to capture some shots celebrating Mom. Most of the time us mothers are the last one to be in the photo, the one behind the camera and rarely in the shot. That is why I love the one of all of them hugging on Amanda so much! She is dearly loved and I hoped to capture a bit of that. It is fun to marvel as the girls grow and bloom into young ladies. To see how love still burns after years of marriage. To witness that look of happy bliss that only a family can make.
Anchored in Love offers a great opportunity for parents to capture the most exciting time of their life with the anticipation of a child. Our Belly to First Year plan offers maternity, newborn, 6 months, 1st year photos.